Saturday, 10 December 2011

A Community In Mourning

                                                     Priscilla Etienne Funeography©

"There's a dark cloud hanging over Custom House and Canning town". These are the words of an old, dear friend of mine whose son was a best friend of the late Danny O'Shea. It's a good description as the whole community is feeling the loss of someone so young and clearly special to so many. I visited the family and was greeted with the warmest welcome. This sign on the front door is a beautiful notice to all. Once inside I drank coffee and listened to some funny stories about Danny as a child. I was also struck with the gentle nature of all inside the house. There was no bitterness, aggression or malice in any of the family members. The focus was clearly on the pure love they have for Danny and the many visitors bringing flowers and cards.
Growing up as a child here I was always aware the area had some bad press but for everyone living here, it didn't seem so bad to us. Everyone knew everyone else, people were popping in to have a cuppa with neighbours, and we were grateful we could ask each other for anything  that we might have run out of indoors. We're all aware times have changed, but when the community needs to pull together to support one another.. that's as easy as breathing in and out. Danny has always and will always belong to his family but something like this has prompted many to call him 'Our Danny'. He's very much still one of us even though we can't physically see him.

                                                     Priscilla Etienne Funeography©

Undoubtedly his family are suffering the biggest loss and his close friends are also struggling with his death. In the next coming weeks the members of the community who once lived here will return from all over the country to come and pay their respects and to remember a well loved person from a well loved family. These floral tributes outside his home continue to grow.

                                                    Priscilla Etienne Funeography©

                                                 Priscilla Etienne Funeography©

                                                Priscilla Etienne Funeography©

                                                 Priscilla Etienne Funeography©

May you rest in peace Danny, god bless you and your family.

I dedicate this blog to the late Danny O'Shea.   18. 06. 1993  -  02. 12. 2011


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